I tag! Hmm...I tag mostly for clouds. I try to tag the same on my blog as I do LibraryThing. Its important to me that I tag similar to the books current tag clouds. I have to admit it usually never occurs to me to make lists or sort using my tags. But of course I have looked at my wish list and to be read tag lists.
I definitely tag to define a book's classification. That is more important to me on my blog than on LibraryThing and I try really hard to be consistent with the tagging of the books I read and review. I also do not go tag crazy. I have a set of defined tags and always try to tag a book into those categories rather than creating new categories.
The most frequent tag I have on my blog besides TuesdayThingers is Historical Fiction and then Europe on my blog and on LibraryThing in order of frequency Fiction, Historical Fiction and To Read are my top 3 tags.
The most helpful thing about tagging is that it creates clouds and I think helps determine LibraryThing Recommendations and I always look at the LT recommendations to get ideas for further reading. Maybe I am not correct about this but I try to be consistent anyways.
The most helpful thing about tagging is that it creates clouds and I think helps determine LibraryThing Recommendations and I always look at the LT recommendations to get ideas for further reading. Maybe I am not correct about this but I try to be consistent anyways.
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