I suggested this LibraryThing feature for this week's Tuesday Thinger as I had wondered if anyone else found it useful. Thanks to Wendi for posing the questions. When I first became a LibraryThinger I tried to change my location in my profile a couple of times but the system seemed finicky and would not accept a new city so I had Boston as my location for a long time. Now my city is correct and I see multiple events.
I have not added any information but if I was a Librarian or hosted a Book Club I would definitely post in LibraryThing Local. I do find the information useful... especially when book sales are posted! Also, it lists where all the public libraries and/or bookstores are in the city so I can see which are closest to my home and work locations. Of course the book stores are pretty much exclusively independents...and some of them I did not know about before so this is very useful.
For events it would be nice if events had expiry dates...or were divided into current and historical, as I do not find it useful to view events that are in the past.
Thank you so much for suggesting the topic of Local to me - I sure hope you didn't mind me linking to you! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week. ~ Wendi